God Letters
There is so much power in writing. We are told to write the vision and make it plain and that those who read it will run towards it. Our thoughts flow through our hands and become tangible by moving our pens on paper.
Create a special ritual of taking time to talk to God. These letters guide you in a variety of topics and circumstances.
Tell God your truth.
Meaningful Wear
We have one time to live this life. We can do it beautifully and intentionally.
There’s a lot of negativity in the world. A lot. But there is actually more good, we just have to choose to share it and to pay attention to it.
AFFIRM the good in your life. AFFIRM what you love about those in your circle.
AFFIRM every beautiful moment that you have ever experienced. It all matters and so do you.

Make bold, positive affirmations all day long! Our clothes speak for us before we ever utter a word. Stand in your affirmations while wearing an encouraging note to everyone who sees you. Be the mirror. Be the change.